Keeping Busy in Suzhou

October 3, 2017 at 1:32 pm (China) (, , , )

So when I was sitting down to write about my latest adventures, I seriously didn’t think I had much to write about.  Life feels like it has been ticking over as per usual.  I go to work, I do my fitness, I catch up with friends… yet when I looked through my photos I realised that as per usual I have been a busy little bee.

I’ve been lucky enough to have two visitors since coming back.  Both came to Suzhou for a business trip and managed to squeeze a catch up with me.  Seeing familiar faces, especially here, is really important and it was so much fun showing them my city.  For both visits we basically used the same itinerary.  We visited ‘The Humble Administrator’s Garden”, walked down Ping Jian Lieu and ate dumplings.  Simon also got to help with transporting a new furniture item which was very amusing.

I’ve been doing a few random running events lately.  On my return to China I participated in a 5km Neon run which basically just had us running three times around a shopping mall in the blistering heat.  To be honest, I didn’t even bother doing the third lap!  Thorsten, Olli and I completed a really cool 10km night run in Wuxi that was very challenging.   The path was off the beaten track and included three quite steep climbs but it was a very rewarding run.  There were times when I could see nobody in front or behind me, just me and nature in the middle of one of the most populated countries in the world.  It was really something.  Last weekend I headed to Shanghai for the Colour Run.  It was heaps of fun, particularly because we had Banyu with us and he was seriously having the time of his life.  You should have seen his face when he crossed the finish line and got his first ever medal… PRICELESS!

I had a great night out at the White Party a few weeks ago.  We were bussed to a mystery location and danced the night away.  Dress code was white and it was lots of fun going shopping and getting dressed up.

Of course I have also been busy hashing.  We went on a lovely beach getaway hash (God I miss the beach) and two runs based here around Suzhou.  As per usual, it was great to get away from the bustle of the city and to explore more about Suzhou.  All four were quite different so I have experienced Suzhou old town, a local lake, a mountain range and the beach near Ningbo.

In other adventures, I survived Grade 5 camp, went to a Chinese Tea Ceremony with my teaching team, hosted Banyu’s birthday party, cheered the Tigers on during the AFL Grand Final and FINALLY managed to register my e-bike.  (Only took me over a year and a couple of scary policeman to get me to do it!)

So yes, I am keeping busy and very much looking forward to my holiday in Beijng!


P.s  More photos?

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